Swap EUR Price is €0.001856 Live XWP-EURO - Crypto EUR Price


0.00% (24H)
  • Market Cap €31,978
  • Volume €33
  • Available Supply 17.23 M XWP

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XWP EUR, Today's Swap Price in Euro. Realtime Swap EUR price is €0.001856. Swap has a marketcap of €31,978. The Swap EUR price changed 0.00% up in the last 24 hours.

A community developed crypto coin striving for robust privacy, ecosystem fairness, full transparency, secure blockchain, and easy use. Swap was created without a pre-mine, governance fees, or founders rewards. It has a custom 15 second block time and is the first CryptoNote coin using a Cuckoo Cycle variant as PoW algorithm, Cuckaroo29s.